Beltran, R.S., Kilpatrick, A.M., Picardi, S., Abrahms, B., Barrile, G.M., Oestreich, W.K., Smith, J.A., Czapanskiy, M.F., Favilla, A.B., Reisinger, R.R., et al. Maximizing biological insights from instruments attached to animals. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. in press
Picardi, S., Frederick, P.C., Basille, M. Fitness consequences of anthropogenic subsidies for a partially migratory wading bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291:20241530. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2024.1530
Picardi, S., Abrahms, B., Merkle, J. Scale at the interface of spatial and social ecology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379:20220523. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2022.0523
Part of Theme Issue “The spatial-social interface: A theoretical and empirical integration.”
Albery, G.F., Webber, Q.M.R., Farine, D., Picardi, S., Vander Wal, E., Manlove, K.R. Expanding theory, methodology and empirical systems at the spatial-social interface. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379:20220534. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2022.0534
Part of Theme Issue “The spatial-social interface: A theoretical and empirical integration.”
Picardi, S., Abrahms, B., Gelzer, E., Morrison, T., Verzuh, T., Merkle, J. Defining null expectations for animal site fidelity. 2022. Ecology Letters 26(1) 157-169.
Bar-Ziv, E., Picardi, S., Kaplan, A., Avgar, T., Berger-Tal, O. Sex differences dictate the movement patterns of striped hyenas in a human-dominated landscape. 2022. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:897132. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2022.897132
Part of Special Issue "Proximate and Ultimate Approaches to Behavior in a Changing World".
Joo, R., Picardi, S., Clay, T.A., Boone, M.E., Patrick, S.C., Basille, M. Recent trends in movement ecology of animals and human mobility. 2022. Movement Ecology 10(1):1-20. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40462-022-00322-9
Carpenter, B.G., Sieving, K.E., Terhune, T., Picardi, S., Griffith, A., Sheilds, R., Pittman, H.T. Linking wild turkey hen movement data to nesting behavior. 2022. Wildlife Society Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1002/wsb.1267
Picardi, S., Coates, P.S., Kolar, J., Mathews, S.R., O’Neil, S., Dahlgren, D.K. Behavioral state-dependent habitat selection and implications for animal translocations. 2021. Journal of Applied Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14080
Picardi, S., Ranc, N., Smith, B.J., Coates, P.S., Mathews, S.R., Dahlgren, D.K. Individual variation in temporal dynamics of post-release habitat selection. 2021. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2:703906. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcosc.2021.703906
Part of Special Issue "Animal Behavior After Translocation into Novel Environments".
Gould, M.J., Gramza, A.R., Picardi, S. Editorial: Early Career Researchers’ Views on Publishing in The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2021. The Journal of Wildlife Management 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.22130
Picardi, S., Messmer, T., Crabb, B., Kohl, M., Dahlgren, D., Frey, N., Larsen, R., Baxter, R. Predicting greater sage-grouse habitat selection at the southern periphery of their range. 2020. Ecology and Evolution 10(23):13451-13463. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6950
Bruant, A., Picardi, S., Basille, M. Parental care in wood stork (Mycteria americana) and its effect on fledging success. 2020. Waterbirds 43(2):134-146. https://doi.org/10.1675/063.043.0202
Picardi, S., Smith, B.J., Boone, M.E., Frederick, P.C., Cecere, J.G., Rubolini, D., Serra, L., Pirrello, S., Borkhataria, R.R., Basille, M. Analysis of movement recursions to detect reproductive events and estimate their fate in central place foragers. 2020. Movement Ecology 8(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40462-020-00201-1
Picardi, S., Frederick, P.C., Borkhataria, R.R., Basille, M. Partial migration in a subtropical wading bird in the southeastern United States. 2020. Ecosphere 11(2): e03054. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3054
Picardi, S., Basille, M., Peters, W., Ponciano, J.M., Boitani, L., Basille, M. Movement responses of roe deer to hunting risk. 2019. The Journal of Wildlife Management 83(1):43-51. https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.21576
Picardi, S., Borkhataria, R.R., Bryan, A.L.Jr., Frederick, P.C., Basille, M. GPS telemetry reveals occasional dispersal of wood stork (Mycteria americana) from the southeastern US to Mexico. 2018. Caribbean Naturalist 2:23-29.
Part of Special Issue "Endangered and Threatened Species of the Caribbean Region"